7 in 10 people want to be healthier post pandemic, according to a Public Health England Survey (Jan21). But fewer than 2 in 10 have a gym membership.
Many clubs are struggling to recover their business post lockdown. Your core customers returned quickly, but it is taking time to rebuild confidence across all sectors, not just fitness. Dormant members have not returned. A handful of new joiners are looking to improve their fitness, but many more are needed to meet increased overheads and deferred liabilities.
New strategies are needed to tap into the health seekers who do not want a gym membership. You need to understand than most people don’t want to go to a gym. But at the same time, most people want to be healthier.
The Health-Check
The appointment can take many forms, but fundamentally, it involves measurement, coaching, and follow-up.
Measurement can be any combination of body composition scales (bioimpedance analysis or BIA), a 3D body scan, or traditional scales, tape measures, etc. To appeal to more health seekers (regular folk, not fitness fanatics), the less intrusive the better. Think about standing on scales while holding handles versus wearing tight clothing versus skinfold callipers.
The appointment then moves to coaching. This typically involves explaining the specific measurements that are relevant to each client, listening to their goals, and helping them to build themselves a plan for activity, nutrition, or lifestyle.
Lastly, it’s time to book the follow-up appointment. When would they like their next measure – in one month, or two- or three-months’ time? Most go for monthly measures and coaching appointments to keep them on track and to see results.
A Recovery Strategy
The health-check appointment is a great offer to bring members back into the facility. Some clubs are charging for this (£20-50), others are offering a limited number of funded appointments to selected ex-members, leads or prospects.
The focus is not on re-joining the gym. All messaging clearly states that this is not the goal, some clubs even say the gym is at capacity.
Boost Confidence and Future-Proof Business
Offering one-on-one appointments helps to bring people into the club at a time they are comfortable with. Depending on your set-up, the client doesn’t need to visit the busy gym floor or attend a crowded fitness class.
In the unhappy event of future lockdowns, there’s a chance that one-on-one appointments could continue (as with individual PT or other health appointments). So, health-checks help to future proof your business, to continue offering services and stay in touch with all your members going forwards.
Build New Business Streams
There is no need to sell the gym to your health-check subscribers. They know you have a gym. If they want to run on a treadmill or lift weights, they know where to come.
However, you can sell a plethora of add-on services to support and grow your health-seeker business. Coaching around lifestyle, nutrition, sleep, and activity will help clients to work towards their goals. Supplements and food could be sold direct from the club, or in conjunction with a local or national distributor.
Think about exercise equipment, programmes, and plans (don’t send your members to Argos or Sports Direct). Provide access to your online classes, workouts, tips, trackers, logs (or create new ones). These services and products will help your new members and existing members to get more value, ensure they come back for their measurements and stick around longer.
Grow Healthy Communities
All these schemes can help clients individually or in communities. You already have your in-club member community. Now there’s an opportunity to bring more people together with common goals and needs, who will support each other and help your groups to grow. The health-check is an entry point into these communities, which will provide added value and retain your subscribers. They don’t need to be a member of the gym, but they are a member of your club.
Health Seeker Strategy
Developing a strong health seeker strategy and getting all staff on board is vital…
- Model your programme around your existing staff and technology, or recruit and procure if needed
- Set pricing for initial appointment and ongoing subscription
- Agree campaign targets, demographics, channels
- Discuss additional services and upsell opportunities, define pathways
- Develop staff buy-in, understanding, and personal gains
Staff development and delivery is critical to the success of these programmes. You need the right coaches on board, with the right mindset, and an ability to listen and learn.
Make the switch from a Gym to a Health Club
Talking about health more than fitness will open more ears and generate more leads and prospects for your club. Talk to them about health-checks, and how you support people’s health, and you will win many more members. Mention the gym, or fitness-tests, and many will lose interest.
Download our
Health Seekers Playbook or get in touch to discuss how you could attract and retain more health seeker subscribers.
This article was originally published in Gym Owner Monthly Magazine. Click here to read the full issue.