Friday, 16 June 2017

Shifting roles, fluidity in the Fitness Industry - Staff Retention Series

We’re losing fitness instructors almost as fast as we’re losing members. Some are choosing to become estate agents or financial advisers… there must be a better way! If we improve staff retention, we’ll improve member retention.

The staff pathway discussed in a previous article [click here] is a useful tool in retaining staff that are looking for change… The pathways should not be rigid, so that if a member of staff wants to swap from the management route to the exercise referral route for whatever reason, the pathways can support this, and help define the training plan to switch. Regular appraisals will check how staff are progressing on their chosen path, whether additional CPD is needed, or adapt for changing personal goals as staff develop.

e-learning is a great enabler to show development, update skills, and a quick and easy way for staff to check and extend their knowledge in different areas. For staff looking to change roles or even companies, they can take their certifications and CPD details with them, either as a record of learning, or e-learning badges.

Finally, sites/companies like FitLinks are breaking new grounds in keeping good people in good jobs in the industry. By supporting client clubs to promote roles in a positive way, such as including staff benefits, they get more, and better applications. On top of this, they help to talent match candidates who might not have applied for a role, so that the best people find the best jobs.

Talent moving around within the fitness industry is healthy, but we need to work at it, and also work at keeping the good people engaged and interested!

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