Monday, 24 June 2019

More Member Feedback - Ex-member feedback 5/5

We’ve talked about joiners and leavers, however, you will have limited numbers on both of these processes, depending on your sales and retention numbers. Your active member database should offer a larger data set, but it’s often your ex-members that can reveal a lot. Whether or not you have asked for feedback as they left, it’s nearly always worth surveying your ex-members – those who left in the last couple of years, say quarterly. Again, ask open questions, find out what they’re up to now, what are their current fitness goals, where they are exercising, how often, and other more general info that shows you’re still interested in them.

What we’ve learned from ex-members’ feedback

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Tour de France - inclusive and engaging mywellness challenge

Here’s one of the challenges we’re running in the mywellness challenge club this July. At first, it seems like a challenge for keen cyclists. But with a couple of simple twists, you can make it appealing to all members who visit your club. 

Le Tour is the biggest bike race in the world, and unless you have no bikes in your facility, you’d be missing a trick not to run a cycling challenge in July. It needs a little extra explanation if you include both twists, but it’s worth the extra interaction with members for the fun factor and social media exposure that you’ll get.

Monday, 17 June 2019

More Member Feedback - Cancellation feedback 4/5

Feedback from cancelling members can be the most powerful information that an organisation can get their hands on. Don’t be like a couple of clubs we know that don’t ask for leaver feedback because it will all be negative, and don’t ignore the negative reviews. You are missing out on all the information that you need to improve your business. 

We are not talking about leave reason here (moving away, anyone?) but genuine user comments about what has led them to choose to cancel. A phone call (if you have the resource) is great from a customer service perspective, and absolutely the best way to try to turn around a cancellation request, but the anonymous (or not) survey where an ex-member or leaver can leave some constructive comments will garner lots more honest opinion.

Monday, 10 June 2019

More Member Feedback - First appointment feedback 3/5

A great place to start collecting member feedback is the first appointment of a new member. Asking what they think or feel after this visit shows you care and gets the new member in the habit of giving feedback. If the first appointment is with an instructor (induction, class, etc) then the instructor should tell the member that they’ll be getting a feedback request and should fill it in. This will boost open, click, and completion rates.

Learnings from new member feedback

Friday, 7 June 2019

Another Amazing Active Uprising in Manchester - 2019

For the second year, the leaders, trailblazers, and influencers in the fitness industry gathered in Manchester for Active Uprising. This is ukactive’s annual conference, bringing together powerful keynotes from inspirational thought leaders, along with business and leadership sessions, ActiveLab, and an awards dinner.

Huw Edwards, acting CEO of ukactive opened with news of the new MoU with Sport England to accelerate the movement towards getting more people more active more often. There are 5 focus areas; digital, inclusion, campaigns (in coordination with providers), infrastructure (public & private), and workforce.

Jack Connors then introduced the 2019 ActiveLab cohort,

Monday, 3 June 2019

How member feedback helps to improve retention – directly & indirectly

Customer feedback is becoming more of a focus for every business and in every industry. The annual survey is so last year, and while Net Promoter Score is still relevant, the score itself is losing value compared to the comments and feedback that customers are supplying through survey tools and also through social media channels.

The feedback itself should be reason enough to seek out member interaction, but there are a bunch of additional benefits that we’ll explore through this series of posts.