Friday 24 July 2020

Re-opening Reality Check - How many members are coming back?

I'm an optimist, but also a realist. There's a lot of talk about 80-90% of members returning to health clubs when we re-open, but this is mindless optimism.

The video below explains how it's more likely to be 20% in the first month, and for the member engagement campaigns we've sent, and conversations with partners in other countries, this is a much more realistic estimate.

If you're guessing your member numbers, you could be in for a big shock - get in touch to find out how you could be reaching out ahead of re-opening to get a real feel of your member numbers and what's required for membership freeze and digital engagement.

What's more, you need to embrace new and ex-member campaigns, and double up on digital engagement as you re-open, or you will be left behind.

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