Sunday 15 September 2024

HealthSeekers as a Retention Strategy

Implementing a HealthSeeker project can significantly boost member retention for fitness clubs.

While many gyms focus on upselling or premium memberships, the HealthSeekers model offers a fresh approach, prioritizing long-term engagement over quick gains. By thinking beyond traditional membership structures, fitness operators can discover numerous direct and indirect benefits, from reducing attrition to enhancing the overall member experience.

HealthSeekers comes from Retention

The HealthSeekers movement has developed out of retention projects. Members who have an initial body composition scan are more motivated, and those who have regular measurements stay longer.

Encouraging new members to undergo a body scan during their induction, followed by regular reviews, is a simple yet highly effective way to boost retention. This service not only keeps members engaged but also provides valuable insights into their health and progress.

Making better use of these devices, and of our great staff resource is where the HealthSeeker concept started. Why not offer this service to more people – non-members who want to be healthier, or just want to better understand their health?

How HealthSeekers helps staff

Beyond the physical measurements, the true power of the HealthSeeker concept lies in its coaching methodologies. The HealthSeeker Coaching education course transforms instructors into empathetic, results-oriented coaches who help subscribers and regular gym members achieve their goals, leading to deeper engagement and longer retention.

Graduates of the course say they have more purpose, get more variety, and have clearer career pathways or opportunities. Better staff retention also precipitates better member retention, as we all know.

HealthSeekers saves members

One notable benefit of HealthSeekers is the 'downgrade save' strategy. This approach allows members who might otherwise cancel due to time constraints or financial reasons to switch to a more affordable 'health subscription,' keeping them engaged with the club. By offering this option, gyms maintain a revenue stream while supporting members who can’t commit to regular attendance.

Upgrade and dowgrade membership

It's also ideal for members who want to pause, freeze, or suspend seasonally… drop them down to a HealthSeeker subscription for the summer months, and agree an auto-upgrade in the autumn when they want to start using the club again. You keep in touch more, they can check their health scores and the effect of their outdoor running, swimming, golf, tennis, etc, benefit from some coaching, and then be ready to train again through the winter.

If you only focus on the upgrade, upsell, or premium membership, you niche down and narrow your pool of members, possibly even losing focus of the members who need additional support to stick around. By widening your offer, you open the doors to many more people, and can expand your services to cater for them.

Longevity of members, and memberships

Longevity normally refers to your members’ lifespan and healthspan, both of which many are striving to improve. By addressing this and actively working on improving it for more people, you not only enhance their well-being but also extend the longevity of their memberships. A focus on long-term health naturally leads to long-term engagement, benefiting both members and the club.

Ultimately, HealthSeekers isn't just a retention strategy—it's a pathway to creating a more engaged, satisfied, and loyal membership base. By training staff to coach rather than just instruct, gyms can better serve their members, prevent cancellations through the downgrade save, and unlock new revenue streams.

Explore how HealthSeekers can transform your fitness business into a health and fitness business

Want to learn more about how HealthSeekers can benefit your club? Click here to explore our resources, including podcasts and playbooks, or get in touch to start a conversation

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