Wednesday 26 November 2014

You’ve sent a welcome message – what next?

So you've sent the welcome message, said thank you and congratulations to your new member for making such an excellent decision to join your club. Now it's time to get them engaged. 

Different clubs use different approaches… some do nothing! Here are some examples of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to tell if your members are engaged during month one of their membership. Each engagement measure can trigger different messages to be sent.
Check out our Zero to Hero programme for more ideas.

  1. Did they do an induction (actually complete it, not just sign-up)?
  2. How many visits do they make in their new member period?
  3. Have they attended a class?

Some of these are easy to measure as a monthly KPI, others are harder, but anything’s possible, you just need to set the parameters (rules), then measure and try to improve.

Once you know how many new members have an induction, you can set a target and aim for it. Subsequent member communications following the welcome message are a great way to try to affect the KPIs.  Click on the bullet links above for ways to improve each KPI.

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