Monday 24 September 2012

Make your move - Profile App for member dating

With so much discussion about Technogym’s new mywellness cloud apps at Leisure Industry Week (LIW) it’s no surprise that even more innovative ways of using the Profile app (Club 2.0 Aspiration Finder) surfaced. This one was borne out of a late night discussion over drinks at Bar Mechu (thanks, Big Wave Media!)

People have used horoscopes for years to judge compatibility in relationships. Basing decisions or introductions on what star sign you were born under often meets with scepticism, but Technogym’s ‘aspiration maps’ are quite different. Developed alongside extensive research by the University of Milan, the Profile tool really shows what moves a member to exercise. Members and clubs are finding it really useful for  goal setting, programming, marketing and prospecting.

But knowing what moves a person to exercise tells you a lot about them, and this new study* reveals how you can match people for potential relationships based on their aspirations.

SPORT people get on well with other SPORT types, as well as MOVE and POWER. Someone who is primarily SHAPE will get on well with BALANCE, POWER, and FUN.

So invite all your single members along to a speed dating evening, and give them badges with their name and aspiration map, and watch the magic happen. This is a great opportunity to get a big group of members to complete their aspiration map before they arrive.

The matrix below shows an alternate take on the compatibility diagram earlier, showing that MOVE members are more compatible with SPORT, FUN, BALANCE, and MOVE. Poor POWER members only work well with SPORT and SHAPE partners.
It is also worth considering your top 2 or 3 aspirations to get a great match; for example, a POWER/SPORT person is really likely to get on with other SPORT people (eliminating SHAPE & MOVE). Conversely, someone who is SHAPE/BALANCE is likely to match really well with others who are BALANCE.

This is just another out of the box idea for using Technogym’s Profile App.  We should probably point out that while the Aspiration Finder is based on extensive research by the ILUM University of Milan, the personal compatibility links have no scientific basis… a bit like horoscopes. But it could get more people into your club!

*sketched out on the back of a beermat, late in the evening

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