Thursday 11 November 2021


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It's also a workout that appeals to the super-keen fitness enthusiast. But more of that later. First, we focus on sales, marketing, and retention of health club memberships. Visits are up, yet revenues are down. It’s the opposite of the Parkrun phenomenon where finish times are getting slower. Read on to find out more. 

Lots of clubs did not experience the new member windfall predicted for September. If you are able to continue trading, you might now be starting to pin your hopes on January 2022. But unless you make some changes, the trend of lower sales and rising attrition is likely to continue. 

Visits Up, Members Down

Some club KPIs are looking positive. Visits and visit frequency are up. There are more active members (those who have visited in the last 30 days) as a percentage of total members. Your keen members are visiting more than before, and even the regulars are finding more time to workout and boost their health and fitness. However, the stats look better because there are fewer members.