Monday 10 June 2019

More Member Feedback - First appointment feedback 3/5

A great place to start collecting member feedback is the first appointment of a new member. Asking what they think or feel after this visit shows you care and gets the new member in the habit of giving feedback. If the first appointment is with an instructor (induction, class, etc) then the instructor should tell the member that they’ll be getting a feedback request and should fill it in. This will boost open, click, and completion rates.

Learnings from new member feedback

Quick surveys get more responses. Try a score out of 5 and a free comments box, rather than 10 questions. Here are 3 things we have seen from first session feedback…

  1. The vast majority of members feel really positive about their first instructor session. Naturally, it’s good to get members to write this down for positive affirmation, as they’re likely to share it with others too. This feedback boosts instructors’ confidence and helps to sell more “welcome sessions”, both externally to new members, and internally among the staff who are promoting them to new and returning members.
  2. If you link the feedback to specific instructors, you can see who is doing well (confirm who your superstars are) and work with staff that need to up their game (or release their talent back to the market).
  3. Any negative feedback can be addressed – either to avoid it happening again, or through discussion with those members to try to turn them around.

This is the third article in a series on customer feedbackSubscribe or come back for the next installment next week.

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