Saturday 28 March 2015

Let's Move For A Better World 2015

Congratulations to every member and club that took part in Technogym's Let's Move For A Better World campaign over the last 3 weeks. 

This global event saw 79,382 participants from 356 facilities in 17 countries log their 'MOVEs'. The campaign is designed to encourage more people to become more active and make a difference in their community. Facilities that score the most MOVEs in their country win the chance to donate Technogym equipment to a local school. Spot prizes for great tweets and biggest percentage increase in moves over a week were also awarded.

As well as getting people more active, and engaging with members, the campaign provided great opportunities for clubs to compete with other facilities, invite guests, run special events such as DJ evenings and update social media with photos, milestones and shout-outs to top movers.

We're really proud to say that Crow Wood in Burnley (a long term GGFit customer) won top spot in the UK, and that the UK came 5th overall. Click here for the full rankings.

So now all the MOVEs are collected, but the campaign is not over... it's important to say a big thank you all your members who took part, congratulate the top movers, and follow-up all the guests that visited and helped your club. If you have some photos and stories, share them with local media to promote your club, and keep the vibe alive on social media.

And finally, don't leave your loyal members waiting for the next Let's Move challenge in 2016, get them involved in another Challenge next month. Here's a suggestion, as it's London Marathon season:

  • Can You Run a Marathon?
    Type - Distance run [Everyone who runs 42km]
    Starts 01/04/2015, duration 26 days
and if you need a gentler challenge for people who only visit a couple of times a week and don't like treadmills much...
  • Can You Run a Half-marathon?
    Type - Distance run [Everyone who runs 42km]
    Starts 01/04/2015, duration 26 days
Get your instructors on board (participating too!) and get them to tell all your members about it and get them to sign-up.

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